
Saturday 25 February 2012

Saya kembali!

Waaa...lamanye tak menulis. almost 2month dah. Banyak sangat benda dah jadi in this 2months.
1st, aku dah hbs study...alhamdulillah!! finally...huh..
2nd, dari voice communication dah sampai face to face.. apekah?? hahahha...
3rd, job hunting yg memenatkan..huh
4th, my mom fly again..
banyak kan.. tu summary of event.

Officially on 1st Feb 2012, i've completed my degree. Result xde lah gempaq mane pun. Tapi bersyukur dah tamat. Waiting to do the clearance and convo. Currently sgt bz apply keje. so far dah pergi 3 interview. tapi belum rezeki jd full time bibik kat rumah. xbest!!!
About my mom, she is currently in Oman. br je pergi on monday (20th feb). Nampak gaya mcm xde rezeki nk braya sama thn ni.. adoiiii...apelah nasib. kesian mak..

Mood aku skrng ni tgh swing je.. but is getting better day by day. Alhamdulillah Allah bg kekuatan utk aku go through dugaan ni. Life without challenges is dull. So take it as a process of maturity. InsyaAllah try to think positive. Luckily that my life is now busy with house chores so i can divert my attention to smthng else.

Ok..tu je utk 'come back' post!  gudnite~

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