
Saturday 31 December 2011

2011 last entry!

an hour before the end of 2011... 
lets refresh what had happened for the past 12 months of 2011. Manis ke?? pahit ke??
kt tengok yg pahit dulu lah boleh buat closing dgn yg manis =)

Pengalaman pahit sepanjang 2011.. 

  • a very bad starting with my mentor in UOB, suffered for 2 months!
  • Start my new sem without my besties, stress me out! Trying to adjust by being alone..sangat tak best.
  • Sept-Broken heart..uhhh… almost recover! hahah...sengal kan..
  • Mom’s going away, again! 

Pengalaman manis sepanjang 2011...
  • April-I got chance working in UOB, meet new friends, learn a lot of new thing, being independent and have my own salary
  • My effort been recognize by HOD and senior, MA good experience
  • May-Mom’s came back for good...supposedly!
  • I got my new hp..SE Vivaz Pro as my birthday gift from mom
  • May-I score my 2nd sem results..happy!
  • Dec- Ika score 8A in PMR…yeaaaahh!! Finally…

okeylah..not really bad lah kan 2011. 
Azam 2011 pun ada lagi yg tak tercapai.. should bring forward to 2012 lah nampaknya.
what will happen next year?? worried..
but.. the fact we dont know about the future is a blessing right? tawakkal 'alallah.

Tuesday 27 December 2011

My white crayon...

Writing and drawing on a white paper using a white crayon..
Wishing that someone will notice it but sadly it was a waste of time. 
Ignore the reality and keep on holding the white crayon.. 
at the same time waiting for color crayon to cheer the world even though knowing that keep holding on will make it far away from reaching the color crayon. 
Indeed, move on will be the best option to transform the invisible arts into attractive arts.
Why keep the pain if it will live you scars? 
Why waste the tears if it devastated you? 
Why pretend cool when you’re actually broken into pieces inside?

Its because… the white paper will someday turn into colorful drawing. 
It just the matter of time.. 
that day, I’ll sure be thankful to my white crayon because it does not ruin my white paper.
Waiting for the colorful moment to appear…
colofrul life...

Wednesday 21 December 2011

The most stressful subject this semester!

Can u see the angry cat above???? That is how angry i am now! 
U know what happened today?? let me share and i really need to spill this out now!

For this semester, i have 1subject that really demotivate me. Actually it is a very interesting subject but the instructor of that subject is really annoyed me. Since the 1st week of class, I could feel that this lady is weird in the way she delivers her lecture. My instinct is somehow true! I’m having problems with my assignment with her since the very first step. We could not really understand what she wants from us. In every class she will keep on nagging about the same thing regards to our assignment. I heard almost the same comment from the rest of my classmates.
The most pathetic things that happen is this week. We already submit our asgmnt 17hours before the due time. But our group’s paper are the last one been analyzed. How come??
I have resent the paper for 3 times. Why? She keep on saying that she cant open the file even though the rest of the people I cc in the email can open it.
Last Monday I asked her in class whether she already receive it or not and she replied, “Yes, I did. Thank you. I will give feedback ASAP” OK! But it doesn’t turn out that way. I read a comment on fb from her today that our paper has exceeded the max page no. OMG! I’m so terrified! So, I open the sent item and check on it but it is actually within the requirement. Now I’m angry! Really am! Did she count the appendix as well?? How can that be! In class, I asked her about that and she said, “oh really, ok I’ll check.” Which also mean that she didn’t really go through our papers. Maybe she could feel my emotional state that time and she come to me personally and say, “don’t worry. I’ll have a look on that. Do you prepared for presentation?” arghh!!! Of coz we are! From the 1st day of presentation! And 30 minutes ago I receive private msg in my fb from her said about the same thing on the page number. And again I have to re-explain on it then only she realized but she put the blame on me as I didn’t insert the page number. Huhhhh…. Pathetic!

Now, I’m waiting for her comments so we can edit our asgmnt before resubmit it on Friday. Whay this thing happen during my final semester? Im worried about this paper. So much! I feel like I wanna cry now but I already use my tears yesterday.. hahaha… no more balance for today! 

Friday 16 December 2011

Lalang beracun

Korang pernah tak berjumpa dgn 'kawan' yg perangai mcm lalang tp versi beracun? sgt bahaya!!
dari zaman aku skolah smpailah kat IPTA ni, hidupku sentiasa diekori dgn at least seorng mahluk yg serupa lalang. okeylah..rupa die mmg tak mcm perangai die je. Je???? 

Some people come into our lives and leave footprints on our HEART,
and others come into our lives and make us want to leave footprints on their FACE!

Marah tu tak perlu nak digambarkan lah... dulu kisah zaman skolah mmg bertahun gak aku marah. tp skrng ni sejajar dgn peningkatan umur, alhamdulillah nmpk gak lah peningkatan akal n emotion control aku.. even marah pun but after some time aku rasa mcm org mcm ni jgn dilayan.. they are attention seeker who are lack of love and have psychosis! hahahah... bila kt layan maka diorng akan rasa menang lah sbb dpt attention yg tak berbelah bahagi! so, kick them aside.. and say "WHATEVER!"  Then masa solat jgn lupa doakan smoga Allah bagi petunjuk lah kat org mcm ni.. 

p/s: to all lalang yg cuba untuk mendekati aku, beware! 

Wednesday 14 December 2011

New lecturer in the house!

Aikk?? Siapakah lecturer baru tu?? Hmm… akhirnya, 13Dec berjaya dilalui dgn jayanya. Begini citernye…
Since this is my final sem, tetiba aku ada 1 subject clash yg aku terpaksa gak ambik by hook or by crook. Kalau tak mcmne nak grad kan. So, aku buat independent study for HR subject. One of the task is to deliver lecture for 1 topic in the class. Sound easy right?? Huhh…but not for me! 1 ½ hour lecture in front of 25 students.. okey, that was horror! Nervous plus butterfly is flying around in my stomach. Purposely aku tak pakai lense or spectacles hari ni sebab aku takut nak tgk org depan aku, who is actually starring at me… sape tak pelik kalo tetiba je ada muka baru muncul. Previously tak pernah wujud pun dlm class ni tetibe jadi lecturer plak.
“the floor is yours..” said madam. “thanks, and I pass it back to u madam!”..ok! gile lah kalo aku buat mcm tu..hilang 30 marks aku! The 1st 10 minutes was actually crucial for me because I’m sooooo nervous and as usual aku takkan nmpk muka sesapa pun depan aku even aku tgk 360 degree! Mesti diorng ckp, “good eye contact”..hahhahaha..tipah tertipu! After that aku dah mula rasa selesa and enjoy with my task. Rasa mcm nk ckp, “Madam, can I have another 1 topic next class?”
Part paling best, Q&A! Since aku tak kenal bebudak class ni, so aku xblh nak pakat awal2 soalan diorng nak tanya aku. Mencabar gak! Maybe my lecture was very de one ask me! Confirm diorng faham, bleh score 100% dah exam nanti… cayalah aku! (poyo gilerrrr..ntah2 sorng pun tak fhm kan?) disebabkan Q&A carry 5 marks, madam lah jd penyoalnye..soalan blh tahan mencabar gak. Adalah adegan aku memalukan diri sendiri sebab tak tau nak merapu apa..tgh sedap nak menggoreng tetiba lost! Cehhhh….bikin malu!
Overall, interesting experience for me since this is the 1st time I have to speak for 1 ½ hour in front of the class, alone! Prepare all the slides alone!.. rasa mcm nak pergi department and tanya, “ada keje kosong as lecturer tak?”

Tetamu ku si Syria

Last weekend cuti panjang skit since Monday tu public holiday (9-12 dec), so aku balik rumah. I bring a guest with me..sape???? cik Qayah! Kesian die nanti duduk sorang2 je weekend. Lagi pun ni dah our final sem (insyaAllah) here tapi tak pernah bawa dia jalan2 to Banting.
The tour begins!! Our 1st experience was waiting for the bus for almost 1 ½ hour! Supposedly, it should only took around 30mnt. Aduiiii..panas hati btul di tgh2 cuaca yg memang tgh panas tu. Once naik bas aku pun mula lah cari mood nak tidur. Tetiba sedar dah sampai klang! Bagus! Cepat skit rasa masa tu berjalan. Qayah dah mula excited bila sampai Klang and byk plak critics dia.. rasa mcm nak suruh dia turun je kat situ gak. Her excitation increase when she saw ‘Banting’, start lah ambik gambar bagai…aduii! Serious rasa mcm bawa tourist dah. Kt org finally sampai Banting around 7.30pm. Lama kan??.. My first experience as well..from 3 hours now happen to be 5 hours, Gombak-Banting~
2nd day, I bring her to kilang kerepek sebab dia sibuk sgt nak beli kerepek. FYI, Banting mmg famous dgn kilang kerepek! Sodapppp… =) then, we went to ‘Teluk Gadung’..ape yg menarik?? Tmpat sensasi tragedy pembunuhan Dato’ S (jutawan kosmetik) which was just 5minutes from my palace! Then, tmpt wajib dilawati…Pantai Morib. Given that it was weekend, the place was so crowded and we just spend 30minutes there..rimas aku kalo ramai2 ni. So, aku bawa lah dia to Pantai Kelanang plak sbb situ tak ramai org sgt n bleh mandi2.. tapi bila kt org sampai, ada motor race versi motor kecik. Dapat tiket VIP tu! Betul2 parking kereta tepi litar. Last2 tak jadi pun pergi main air ke main pasir ke..main mata je dapat! Orite, 6.50pm dah…masa untuk kembali ke pangkal jalan sebelum bonda mula berkhutbah.
3rd day, ada kenduri rumah my aunty so I bring Qayah there. Time ni mmg lawak lah… my dad pergi spread rumors kata aku bawa kawan Syria balik rumah. Ape lagi, semangat lah saudara mara aku ni tunggu kehadiran aku..hehehhe.. Hancur harapan, berkecai smua bila dah nmpak si ‘syria’ ni..  maka melekatlah nama ‘Syria’ kat Qayah.. nasiblah Qayah oiii.. akak tak salah!
The next day, time to go back! Basically, Qayah terhibur, makan byk, tidur banyak! Hahahha… pelik tgk her addiction to tidur time kat rumah. Is it too cozy??
Who wanna be my next guests?? Put your hands up! Yeah~
14 Dec 2011 (1.10am)

Thursday 8 December 2011

Hero & Heroin 'fairytale'

Aku ni peminat novel. Boleh tahanlah byk novel yg dalam collection skrng. Bak kata adik aku, “Kalo kau bankrupt 1 day, jual je smua novel kau. Confirm bleh buat belanja 3 bulan.” Minat punya pasal…masuk telinga kiri kluar telinga kanan je lah kan.
Persoalannya sekarang, kenapa mesti watak utama dlm novel melayu kena ‘cantik, kaya, pandai’?? Sama ada both hero & heroin sama kaya, sama cantik/kacak and sama pandai or either one of them je yg kaya. Then, kalau cantik mesti kena ada darah campur or kerabat. Dahlah create watak yg very like fairytale, harus ke nak highlight that physical attraction from 1st chapter til the end??Cliché!! Ape org kaya je ke bercinta? Org cantik n hensem je yg tragis and syahdu kisah cinta diorng??  Errr…nothing personal ye! Cuma rasa mcm ‘fairytale’ sgt lah. One of the recent novel yg aku br hbs baca which seriously annoyed me is ‘Cinta Kontrak’. Ohmaigod!! Membazir duit je rasa! Why??? Hero yg dicipta ‘very romantic’ tahap aku rasa “tinggi giler tahap imaginasi author ni..maybe this is what she want or hope from a man and she create that into her story”. Selama 24years of my life, I never meet or heard a guy with that level or romantic! The same comment I received from my friend yg baca novel ni gak. See… I’m not the only one tau yg rasa mcm ni. Even my sisters yg umur 15 and 19 pun baca half je and cakap, “tak best!”. I noticed that those fairytale story obviously shown in new novels. I’m not judging all new authors but only some of them.
Tak salah nak create hero & heroin yg have high class of physical attraction, tp jgn lah over memuji sampai pembaca rasa menyampah. Cantik ni universal and it depends on org yg melihat. Author kena ingat, most novel readers are people from the range age of 16-30. Teenagers of age 16-20 ni normally tgh berperang utk mencari identity diri. If selalu kt portray a heroin in love story must always beautiful (figures), bercinta plak dgn yg handsome, anak ‘somebody’.. tak ke diorng akan jd skeptical?? Later on akan bandingkan real life story with those ‘fairytale’.. 
Honestly speaking, my favorite author’s are still the best. Who are they?? Norhayati Berahim, Sharifah Abu Salim, Fauziah Ashaari, Anis Ayuni, Hlovate… I don’t feel like wasting my money if I bought their work of fiction because their stories are sometimes based on true story and we as normal people bleh rasa mcm being part of the story. Tapi ada lah juga few new authors yg for me mmg creative.
Perhaps, too much fairytale doesn’t work for me! This is just my personal comment on what I’ve read. Teruskan berkarya wahai novelis sekalian.. 

Suratan @ Kebetulan?

Wahhh..tajuk die mcm ‘semacam’ je kan? Hehehe..Marketing trick!
By d way, korang pernah tak mengalami situasi in which korang teringat kat someone, tgh2 asyik fikir pasal die tetibe…die call! Or die sms!.. pernah?? Aku pernah dgr tau pasal telepathy between 2 people yg jauh (different place). Ada yg kata, “bile kt teringat kat org tu, actually org tu tgh ingat kat kt”.. betul ke? Atau pun ni smua kebetulan? Kalau sekali dua blh lah kan nak kata kebetulan, tp kalo kerap?? Haaa…ni tak semestinya happen antara lelaki dgn prmpuan. Bleh gak jadi aku teringat kat kwn prmpuan aku n tetibe die sms.. Agak2 kalo aku mmg nk org tu call/sms aku, aku kena teringat or fikir pasal die je lah! Hehehe…bleh ke?? 

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Review Ombak Rindu

Like what I’ve wrote before, I’ve watched ombak rindu on 3rd December 2011,11.20 am at Wangsa Walk cinema with 5 of my friends. Heard that on 1st day of the show, amazing collection have been received rite!!... and we was so eager to watch the movie.
Oklah, basically citer tu mmg best, tp tak cukup kuat untuk buat aku menangis. Mungkin aku n jiha je lah yg tak berjaya nk mengeluarkan air mata.. sedih tu mmg sedih tp… tak cukup menyedihkan. Mungkin sebab aku dah baca novel ombak rindu ni, so rasa mcm byk nye part yg diorng cut. Factor masa kan.. if the novel, I’ll give 5 start! Seriously novel sgt best, mmg aku nangis tau baca. It plays well with our emotion. Rasa mcm aku yg kena dera, kena maki… fuhhh…after baca mmg penat lah mental n emosi. Tp tu lah…it doesn’t happen the same way with the movie. Diorng kata sebab aku n jiha hati kering.. ada ke patut??.... tp kawan2 aku yg lain smua feel habis lah. Merah je mata n hidung bile keluar cinema.
Maya and Aaron, both of u mmg bestlah.. thumbs up to all the crews. Great performance..
Selalunya lepas tgk movie ngan adik2, my dad will ask what are the moral story?? So from this movie… ermm…sabar tu sgt penting! Setiap dugaan yg Allah bg kat kita ni menunjukkan dia sayang kat kita. One more thing, no mater how great u are in this world, disisi Allah kita smua sama je. So, jgn nk bongkak dgn apa yg kt ada. Life is like a wheel… 

Sweet Memory...

2 December 1987~
Its my birth date!!! Big day for my parents as well..1st baby in the house!! N tarikh ni lah mak bertarung nyawa utk membawa aku ke dunia ni… Love u mak! Takde kata-kata yg mampu menzahirkan betapa berterima kasihnya fi atas smua pengorbanan mak and I know its not easy to handle me… and u have done such a great job. Anakmu ni je yg nakal sgt.. Hopefully it’s worth it to have me.. InsyaAllah. For u dad, thank u for everything you have done.
Ya Allah, thank u for still giving me opportunity untuk berubah menjadi insan yang lebih baik.. Alhamdulillah bersyukur atas apa yg telah kau kurniakan..keluarga, sahabat, kesihatan, pelajaran and every single thing that make who I am now.
Ok, let me share wat happened today (2nd dec)..
Alhamdulillah ramai wish. OH!! Thanks to fb yg remind kengkawan n fmly aku.. Mak mmg excellent lah wish awal gler.. 1st dec dah wish.. seronok sgt kot aku lahir.. hehehe  So sweetttt~ (padahal nk tidur punya pasal xsanggup tunggu 12.01am)..xpe2..faham. then bergayut ngan my sister (free call kan!) dah 15mnt bergosip br die ingat bezday aku..mmg bertuah! 
Pagi tu aku celebrate birthday dengan group discussion on assignment. Meriah kan??? Haa..I know! Serious terlupa terus birthday aku hari tu. Dari bgn tidur dah hadap asgmnt sampailah pukul 5.30ptg. Around 9.30pm, my bestfriend Jiha sampai from Perak. Yeah…happy! Disebabkan time tu aku tgh berbincang mslh negara (kononnya!) dgn encik bestfriend, maka aku suruhlah dia layan diri dulu.. Pastu bergosip ngan jiha sampai 4.30am! maklumlah dah lbh kurang 1 ½ month xjumpa.. byk tau benda nk kena update.. (girls talk!!)… 
3rd Dec,  janji melayu! Aku yg buat lambat…sorry darlings!! 10.30 janji jumpa tp 10.30 br kluar dr hostel.. penat aku tadah telinga kena bebel..hmm… tp Alhamdulillah sampai sblum start movie 11.20am. citer ape????? Ombak rindu!! Ye..aku dah tengok! Siap beli tiket awal ok! 1st dec dah beli.. semangat! How’s the movie???? 4 star! Nanti aku ulas skit pasal ombak rindu tu k. so basically after watched movie, we have our lunch then go for prayer then….masa untuk test vocal! By d way, if u guys need perosak lagu, cari lah kami!! Sementara queue for empty room, aku n jiha g lah membawa diri pusing2 kat luar tu, tetibe nk buat keja sengal.. wat we did?? We went to games room (ntah pe nama tmpt tu, alaaa..yg ada byk game2 tu..)  kt org g main basketball. 4 kali main... which means 8 round!! Pergh!!!! Serious penat gler!!..just on time! Dapat dah bilik..601! buka je pintu..
“Happy birthday to u… happy birthday to u…~”wow!!surprise…!! ada coklat cake.. yummy!~ love u girls so much..Maka melalak lah kami smue…mule2 lagu tangkap leleh smue (effect citer ombak rindu).. pastu dah mula rancak. Sampailah ke tahap berdangdut.. (serious xpernah buat perangai mcm ni). Xblh nk describe how dasyat it was our performance, nanti korng confirm geleng kpala je.kl 6 kt org settle performance n terus bergerak menuju ke pangkal jalan. Penat dah… nak balik..nak balik! Haaa….nk balik pun sebab malam tu ada dinner club. Hehehe…mmg enjoy saje lah hari ni.. tp kan… bile aku tgk jam dah 6.15 baru aku teringat.. “ohmaigod!!! nk submit asgmt part aku mlm ni kat group member, tp xsiap lg!”…waaaaa…..jom balik!! Asgmnt!! … (diorng smue dah keje, aku n qayah je masih bergelumang dgn buku n asgmt) maka kami pun baliklah after taking some pictures. Hasil seperti di bawah..hehehe

That was how I celebrate my birthday.. =)
K.A.M.I (My bestfriends & Me)
Special Guest, Cik Qayah

My first entry...

Hi, 1st entry for this new blog of mine! Knape tetiba i nak buat blog?? Sbb i suke jd follower blog org. mcm best je blh tulis ape2 yg kt nak, pastu deco cantik2.. hehehe ok! “Colorful Me”.. pe tu??? haaa…i nk blog ni jd tmpt i citer ape2 je pasal life aku yg colorful.. Just nk share event2 yg meaningful dlm life, info menarik, or maybe resepi, hobby…hmmmm…just wait n see ape yg i post k.
1 more thing.. i create blog ni on 2nd dec 2011..  Tarikh penting yg membawa kpd kewujudan i dlm dunia ni..