
Wednesday 21 December 2011

The most stressful subject this semester!

Can u see the angry cat above???? That is how angry i am now! 
U know what happened today?? let me share and i really need to spill this out now!

For this semester, i have 1subject that really demotivate me. Actually it is a very interesting subject but the instructor of that subject is really annoyed me. Since the 1st week of class, I could feel that this lady is weird in the way she delivers her lecture. My instinct is somehow true! I’m having problems with my assignment with her since the very first step. We could not really understand what she wants from us. In every class she will keep on nagging about the same thing regards to our assignment. I heard almost the same comment from the rest of my classmates.
The most pathetic things that happen is this week. We already submit our asgmnt 17hours before the due time. But our group’s paper are the last one been analyzed. How come??
I have resent the paper for 3 times. Why? She keep on saying that she cant open the file even though the rest of the people I cc in the email can open it.
Last Monday I asked her in class whether she already receive it or not and she replied, “Yes, I did. Thank you. I will give feedback ASAP” OK! But it doesn’t turn out that way. I read a comment on fb from her today that our paper has exceeded the max page no. OMG! I’m so terrified! So, I open the sent item and check on it but it is actually within the requirement. Now I’m angry! Really am! Did she count the appendix as well?? How can that be! In class, I asked her about that and she said, “oh really, ok I’ll check.” Which also mean that she didn’t really go through our papers. Maybe she could feel my emotional state that time and she come to me personally and say, “don’t worry. I’ll have a look on that. Do you prepared for presentation?” arghh!!! Of coz we are! From the 1st day of presentation! And 30 minutes ago I receive private msg in my fb from her said about the same thing on the page number. And again I have to re-explain on it then only she realized but she put the blame on me as I didn’t insert the page number. Huhhhh…. Pathetic!

Now, I’m waiting for her comments so we can edit our asgmnt before resubmit it on Friday. Whay this thing happen during my final semester? Im worried about this paper. So much! I feel like I wanna cry now but I already use my tears yesterday.. hahaha… no more balance for today! 

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