
Thursday 8 December 2011

Hero & Heroin 'fairytale'

Aku ni peminat novel. Boleh tahanlah byk novel yg dalam collection skrng. Bak kata adik aku, “Kalo kau bankrupt 1 day, jual je smua novel kau. Confirm bleh buat belanja 3 bulan.” Minat punya pasal…masuk telinga kiri kluar telinga kanan je lah kan.
Persoalannya sekarang, kenapa mesti watak utama dlm novel melayu kena ‘cantik, kaya, pandai’?? Sama ada both hero & heroin sama kaya, sama cantik/kacak and sama pandai or either one of them je yg kaya. Then, kalau cantik mesti kena ada darah campur or kerabat. Dahlah create watak yg very like fairytale, harus ke nak highlight that physical attraction from 1st chapter til the end??Cliché!! Ape org kaya je ke bercinta? Org cantik n hensem je yg tragis and syahdu kisah cinta diorng??  Errr…nothing personal ye! Cuma rasa mcm ‘fairytale’ sgt lah. One of the recent novel yg aku br hbs baca which seriously annoyed me is ‘Cinta Kontrak’. Ohmaigod!! Membazir duit je rasa! Why??? Hero yg dicipta ‘very romantic’ tahap aku rasa “tinggi giler tahap imaginasi author ni..maybe this is what she want or hope from a man and she create that into her story”. Selama 24years of my life, I never meet or heard a guy with that level or romantic! The same comment I received from my friend yg baca novel ni gak. See… I’m not the only one tau yg rasa mcm ni. Even my sisters yg umur 15 and 19 pun baca half je and cakap, “tak best!”. I noticed that those fairytale story obviously shown in new novels. I’m not judging all new authors but only some of them.
Tak salah nak create hero & heroin yg have high class of physical attraction, tp jgn lah over memuji sampai pembaca rasa menyampah. Cantik ni universal and it depends on org yg melihat. Author kena ingat, most novel readers are people from the range age of 16-30. Teenagers of age 16-20 ni normally tgh berperang utk mencari identity diri. If selalu kt portray a heroin in love story must always beautiful (figures), bercinta plak dgn yg handsome, anak ‘somebody’.. tak ke diorng akan jd skeptical?? Later on akan bandingkan real life story with those ‘fairytale’.. 
Honestly speaking, my favorite author’s are still the best. Who are they?? Norhayati Berahim, Sharifah Abu Salim, Fauziah Ashaari, Anis Ayuni, Hlovate… I don’t feel like wasting my money if I bought their work of fiction because their stories are sometimes based on true story and we as normal people bleh rasa mcm being part of the story. Tapi ada lah juga few new authors yg for me mmg creative.
Perhaps, too much fairytale doesn’t work for me! This is just my personal comment on what I’ve read. Teruskan berkarya wahai novelis sekalian.. 

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