
Tuesday 6 December 2011

Review Ombak Rindu

Like what I’ve wrote before, I’ve watched ombak rindu on 3rd December 2011,11.20 am at Wangsa Walk cinema with 5 of my friends. Heard that on 1st day of the show, amazing collection have been received rite!!... and we was so eager to watch the movie.
Oklah, basically citer tu mmg best, tp tak cukup kuat untuk buat aku menangis. Mungkin aku n jiha je lah yg tak berjaya nk mengeluarkan air mata.. sedih tu mmg sedih tp… tak cukup menyedihkan. Mungkin sebab aku dah baca novel ombak rindu ni, so rasa mcm byk nye part yg diorng cut. Factor masa kan.. if the novel, I’ll give 5 start! Seriously novel sgt best, mmg aku nangis tau baca. It plays well with our emotion. Rasa mcm aku yg kena dera, kena maki… fuhhh…after baca mmg penat lah mental n emosi. Tp tu lah…it doesn’t happen the same way with the movie. Diorng kata sebab aku n jiha hati kering.. ada ke patut??.... tp kawan2 aku yg lain smua feel habis lah. Merah je mata n hidung bile keluar cinema.
Maya and Aaron, both of u mmg bestlah.. thumbs up to all the crews. Great performance..
Selalunya lepas tgk movie ngan adik2, my dad will ask what are the moral story?? So from this movie… ermm…sabar tu sgt penting! Setiap dugaan yg Allah bg kat kita ni menunjukkan dia sayang kat kita. One more thing, no mater how great u are in this world, disisi Allah kita smua sama je. So, jgn nk bongkak dgn apa yg kt ada. Life is like a wheel… 

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