
Wednesday 14 December 2011

New lecturer in the house!

Aikk?? Siapakah lecturer baru tu?? Hmm… akhirnya, 13Dec berjaya dilalui dgn jayanya. Begini citernye…
Since this is my final sem, tetiba aku ada 1 subject clash yg aku terpaksa gak ambik by hook or by crook. Kalau tak mcmne nak grad kan. So, aku buat independent study for HR subject. One of the task is to deliver lecture for 1 topic in the class. Sound easy right?? Huhh…but not for me! 1 ½ hour lecture in front of 25 students.. okey, that was horror! Nervous plus butterfly is flying around in my stomach. Purposely aku tak pakai lense or spectacles hari ni sebab aku takut nak tgk org depan aku, who is actually starring at me… sape tak pelik kalo tetiba je ada muka baru muncul. Previously tak pernah wujud pun dlm class ni tetibe jadi lecturer plak.
“the floor is yours..” said madam. “thanks, and I pass it back to u madam!”..ok! gile lah kalo aku buat mcm tu..hilang 30 marks aku! The 1st 10 minutes was actually crucial for me because I’m sooooo nervous and as usual aku takkan nmpk muka sesapa pun depan aku even aku tgk 360 degree! Mesti diorng ckp, “good eye contact”..hahhahaha..tipah tertipu! After that aku dah mula rasa selesa and enjoy with my task. Rasa mcm nk ckp, “Madam, can I have another 1 topic next class?”
Part paling best, Q&A! Since aku tak kenal bebudak class ni, so aku xblh nak pakat awal2 soalan diorng nak tanya aku. Mencabar gak! Maybe my lecture was very de one ask me! Confirm diorng faham, bleh score 100% dah exam nanti… cayalah aku! (poyo gilerrrr..ntah2 sorng pun tak fhm kan?) disebabkan Q&A carry 5 marks, madam lah jd penyoalnye..soalan blh tahan mencabar gak. Adalah adegan aku memalukan diri sendiri sebab tak tau nak merapu apa..tgh sedap nak menggoreng tetiba lost! Cehhhh….bikin malu!
Overall, interesting experience for me since this is the 1st time I have to speak for 1 ½ hour in front of the class, alone! Prepare all the slides alone!.. rasa mcm nak pergi department and tanya, “ada keje kosong as lecturer tak?”

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